Our services & Rates

Below is a listing of our base rates for grooming services. Prices are subject to change based on time and condition. These rates apply for dogs seen on a regular 4-6 week schedule. Dogs outside of this CADENCE will be subject to an hourly rate of hands on time.

Full Groom

For full coated dogs like poodles, shi tzu, golden retrievers, and AUSTRALIAN shepards.
Includes wash, blow dry, full body hair cut, nails cut, and ears wiped clean. The rates below are for a dog seeN regularly and are subjeCt to change otherwise. ClIents must commit to a 4-6 wk schedule.

Extra Small -Up to 15 Pounds- $135
small -15-35 pounds- $200
medium -35-50 pounds- $270

Large -50-75 pounds- $335
Extra Large -over 75 pounds- $405

Grooming by Gina Grant, NCMG (breed standard & hand stripping) $205/hr.

Full Bath

For short coated dogs like chihuahuas, Pit Bulls, and bull dogs
Includes wash, blow dry, nails cut, and ears wiped clean.

all double coated dogs such as shepards And retrievers add a deshedding mud treatment.

Extra small -up to 15 pounds- $75
Small -15-35 pounds- $135
medium -35 to 50 pounds- $165

Large -50-75 Pounds- $200
Extra Large -over 75 pounds- $270

Mud treatment $20-40

added to any bath service. remedies skin issues like; hot spots, yeast, seasonal allergies. Also, dogs with double coats going through a seasonal shedding. Soothes joint and muscle pain in arthritic and post- opp. dogs. 

Add-On Services

Neaten Up Trim $15-$30

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse - $25

Nail Cut $20

Nail Cut and file $30

Ear Hair Removal $20

Conditioning paw balm - $10